Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pop Quiz #2

Oh dear, I imagine you are now wishing you hadn't wasted last evening watching "American Idol" instead of reading and studying Tomie dePaola's books.

Pencil and paper, ready?

1. When Strega Nona went on a vacation, where did she go?
2. When Strega Nona went to the seashore on a vacation, what presents did she send to Bambolona and Big Anthony?
3. In NOW ONE FOOT, NOW THE OTHER, what was Bobby's grandfather's name?
4. When Bob and Bobby made a tower with the old wooden blocks, what was the last block they put on top of the tower?
5. In COOKIE'S WEEK, what is the name of the cat who makes a mess each day of the week?
6. In Sarah Josepha Hale's poem about Mary, what was the animal that followed Mary to school?
7. Who is Miss Leah?
8. In ON MY WAY, there was a "Tiny Tot Wedding." Who was the bride?
9. Is the Mysterious Giant of Barletta a real person or a statue?
10. In TONY'S BREAD, what did Tony do as a job?
11. In TONY' BREAD, who was Tony's daughter?
12. What was the boy called in THE LEGEND OF THE INDIAN PAINTBRUSH before he was called "He-Who-Brought-the-Sunset-to-the-Earth?"
13. What character did Tommy play in "Peter Rabbit" in the books STAGESTRUCK and HERE WE ALL ARE?

1. The seashore
2. Bubble bath and candy
3. Bob
4. The elephant block
5. Cookie
6. A lamb
7. Tomie's dancing school teacher
8. Tomie
9. A statue
10. He was a baker.
11. Serafina
12. Little Gopher
13. Mopsy, a bunny rabbit

Were you as smart as Jennette Stark, retired librarian, retired administrator, Canadian Fruitcake Challenge (2008) runner-up, who correctly answered all of the questions?